computer engineering, software engineering, backend development
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A backend service where you can create custom tasks for users. Using this software, you can create applications with many features such as user registration, user login, email verification, access token retrieval and logging, configuration, route protection, and more.
Kaynak Kodları
A token is created for each user. Users manage their contacts by logging in. Authentication and Authorization and Email API for reset password
Built with .NET framework and Angular. Contact directory.
This discord bot has the ability to provide weather information in t he server it belongs to and list the top 10 most popular songs in Turkiye. This bot serves as a starting point for those who want to code a basic di scord bot. OpenWeatherMap API is used for weather information and Spotify API is used for music list. The necessary functions are prepared with their tests.
Simple mobile application with React Native
Different algorithms and deep mathematic